P.E. with Ms. G

Did you know there are 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coca-Cola? In Ms. G’s PE class, students have been learning a great deal about nutrition as part of the Health, Fitness, and Safety Unit. The goal of this unit is to introduce and reinforce healthy and safe lifestyle choices. Kindergartners and first graders are learning about the importance of healthy habits and keeping track of their own on a healthy habits checklist. The students are focusing on how germs can be spread, the importance of being kind to one another, and how exercise benefits your health. By participating in different physical games, second and third grade students are learning how to incorporate healthy habits in everyday life to build and help support their immune system. Through various games and drills, our upper elementary students are learning how physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health plays a big part in being healthy. The students are also measuring their heart rates to determine how hard they are working while running and circuit training. We’ve also learned how the power of words can affect a person’s mental health. Ultimately, all Crestview students learn that healthy students make better learners.