
It’s monarch prep time! As the garden slowly wakes up, the lower elementary students start their monarch unit. First grade has been making their monarch mobiles to be displayed in their classroom windows. The mobile will include facts about these amazing insects and their life cycle.  We can’t wait for them to be finished.  Second grade started watching Flight of the Monarch. This movie explains how scientists discovered the monarchs were actually traveling to Mexico. It’s a great opportunity to discuss what it means to be a citizen scientist. The students love that they can be one too! In third grade we just received notice that our “Ambassador” monarch butterflies have been delivered to a school in Ocampo, Mexico called Luis Coto Kindergarten. This is part of the Symbolic Monarch Migration that Crestview participates in every year.  Now, we wait for our art exchange monarchs to reach us from other participating schools. It can be any day now. Finally, the kindergarten did the really important job of putting down a fresh blanket of soil in our wildflower garden. This is a garden that the butterflies and hummingbirds adore.  We can’t wait to count how many monarch butterflies visit up this spring and summer.